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Through our podcast, we provide a dynamic and educational listening valuable content environment that seeks to inspire, inform and mobilize activists committed to social transformation and equity.

What does our podcast offer?

- Informative Episodes: On a montly basis, we release episodes that delve into critical issues affecting our communities. We explore topics such as human trafficking, gender inequality, and shortcomings in the education system, providing relevant data and in-depth analysis to increase awareness and understanding.

- Inspiring Interviews: We speak with thought leaders, human rights defenders, and experts in our focus areas. These interviews offer valuable insights and practical advice on how to address and overcome challenges, highlighting successful strategies and meaningful experiences.

- Stories of Change: We share stories of people and organizations making a difference in the fight against injustice. These stories illustrate the positive impact of activists’ actions and motivate those who wish to contribute.

- Open Dialogues: We facilitate discussions on hot topics related to our thematic axes, inviting listeners to reflect, debate, and contribute ideas, fostering constructive dialogue.

- Updates and Opportunities: We keep listeners informed about events, workshops, and opportunities to join our initiatives, offering concrete ways to get involved and contribute.

Coming soon

Contact us 

Get known about our operations. We´re open to new ideas and collaborators!

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+57 315 737 0822 

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